Automatic mixer
Automatic mixers, also known as Automixers, are designed to simulate and improve the results of traditional mixers to maximize system sound gain. The automixer can replace the operator's work, or it can be used with the operator to automate the audio.
Please imagine a conference room scene:
In a typical conference room for 10 people, each has its own microphone. If all 10 microphones are turned on to the same gain level, but only one person is speaking, the result may not be very clear.
↑↑↑ Why is this happening?
⊙ The reason is that the other nine microphones pick up room noise, reverberation, etc., which reduces the dynamic range of the room and the system signal-to-noise ratio. Even if operated by a skilled operator, these signals are fused with a well-proportioned microphone, which reduces the quality of the fused output and is highly unlikely to get enough volume. Because the maximum gain before feedback is greatly reduced by the other 9 microphones in the room without direct source.
How does the traditional system handle this?
When a skilled operator handles this situation, it only turns on the microphone used for a given period of time, and turns off other microphones that are not currently in use.
How does the automatic mixing system handle this issue?
The automatic mixer can take on the job of a skilled operator, but the response speed is much faster than a human operator. So automatic mixers have a unique advantage over these common typical applications.
Automatic mixer classification
There are two major types of automatic mixers developed on the basis of different potential technologies: the Gating Automixer and the Gain Sharing Automixer.
Advantages and disadvantages of threshold automixers
Threshold automixers are based on noise gate development, and each channel has a noise gate that is either open or closed. The logic that determines whether a channel is open or closed can be determined simply based on a fixed threshold and a reference priority. The working principle of this type of automatic mixer is that the more the number of microphones is turned on, the lower the overall sound transmission gain before the feedback critical point.
The mixer has two problems and an advantage. 1. Since the noise gate is used in each channel, there will be an abnormal effect of chattering or intermittent, accompanied by the loss of the voice header. 2. The threshold must be formulated in such a way that it can be used throughout the execution of the conference. This makes setup and calibration more difficult. 3. The advantage is that the sound gain can be maximized when a single microphone is turned on, so that the maximum output level can be obtained before the feedback threshold.
Advantages and disadvantages of gain sharing automatic mixer
Gain-sharing automixers are based on expander development, each channel contains an expander so that each channel can be open, closed, or any value between on and off, determining where a channel is based is based on Settings for Slope and Priority.
The mixer has one problem and two advantages. 1. When a speaker's own volume level is low, the volume level of itself will be lowered even lower. 2. The advantage is that there will be no situation where the threshold automixer loses the prefix. 3. It can simultaneously ensure that the system's sound gain is constant when multiple people speak at the same time, and the overall output level of the mixer is unchanged.
Symetrix automatic mixer
All 15 models of the Symetrix Jupiter series, Solus NX series, Prism series, EDGE, and Radius contain the above two types of automatic mixers. Compared to similar products on the market, Symmetrix's automatic mixers also have The following two advantages.
Automix module can be cascaded
The automatic mixing module can be cascaded, and more sources can be passed through the cascade to achieve the same automatic mixing algorithm.
(figure 1)
Direct output channel after providing a mixing algorithm
Each channel of the Symetrix product's automatic mixer has direct output after the automatic mixing algorithm (Figure 2). This function can further improve the sound gain through Mix-minus (Figure 3) compared to similar products on the market. Give the system a higher output level.
(figure 2)
(image 3)
↓ Review ↓
In the voice sound reinforcement system, the automatic mixer has the advantage of saving manpower compared with the traditional voice sound reinforcement system, and is also remarkable in improving the sound gain, and is an essential artifact in the voice sound reinforcement system. The automatic mixer function of Symetrix products is the fighter in the artifact!
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