Cracked Huawei EC6106V6 and successfully installed a sofa housekeeper (with cracking method + tool)

EC6106V6 cracking method + tool, see the following: (E6106V3, 6108V3, 6108V8 can be cracked in accordance with this method, has been successful users)
Set-top box need to set it up:
Enter settings, personal settings, allow Monitor connection, check in front, set-top box and computer in the same LAN (you can ping the IP of the set-top box first pass)
Requires Huawei STB management tool V2.1 (see attachment, already harmonized, without permission)
IP address (user self-viewing set-top box) User name: huawei Password: .287aW (note that there is a point before) or, (ADB can use "one-button connection box installation sofa butler" double-click to run it), or use CMD Command connection box installation, according to the following figure, and then you can push and install APK file through LAN. In the case of no problem with other settings, or can not connect the box, re-use STB software, in accordance with one or two or three steps to operate again

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download link: Huawei STB V2.1 harmony version.rar Sofa butler one-click installation software.rar