CPU (Central Processing Unit) is the core component of modern computers, also known as "microprocessors." For PCs, CPU specifications and frequency are often used as an important indicator of the performance of a computer. The Intelx86 architecture has been in existence for more than 20 years, and the CPU of the x86 architecture has a profound impact on the work and life of most of us.
CPU It is the core component of a computer. Computer processing can be divided into two steps:
Data and programs (ie, sequences of instructions) are entered into the memory of the computer. Execute the program from the address of the first instruction, get the desired result, and end the run. The role of the CPU is to coordinate and control the sequence of instructions of the various components of the computer to execute the program in an orderly manner. Therefore it must have the following basic functions:
a) fetch instruction: When the program is already in the memory, first a program is fetched according to the program entry address, and the instruction address and control signal are issued for this purpose.
b) Analysis instruction: that is, instruction decoding. It analyzes the currently obtained instructions, indicates what operations it requires, and generates corresponding operational control commands.
c) Execution instruction: form a corresponding operation control signal sequence according to the "operation command" generated when the instruction is analyzed, and realize the function of each instruction through the execution of the arithmetic unit, the memory and the input/output device, including processing the operation result And the formation of the next instruction address.
Further refinement of its functions can be summarized as follows:
Ability to decode instructions and perform specified actions;
Can perform arithmetic and logic operations;
Can exchange data with memory and peripherals;
Provide the control required for the entire system;
Although the performance metrics and structural details of various CPUs are different, the basic functions they can accomplish are the same. From functional analysis, it can be seen that any CPU internal structure should include at least the following components: arithmetic logic operation unit (ALU), accumulator, program counter, instruction register, decoder, timing and control components.
Many of the friends who know a little about computer knowledge know that the most important thing in the CPU is the transistor, which increases the speed of the CPU. The most important point is how to put more transistors into the same CPU area. The CPU is too small, too precise, and it contains a considerable number of transistors, so the manpower is absolutely impossible to complete, and can only be processed by photolithography.
This is why there are so many transistors in a CPU. A transistor is actually a two-position switch: on and off. If you recall the era of basic computing, it is all that a computer needs to do. Two options, on and off, are 0 and 1 for the machine. So how do you make a CPU? In today's article, we will walk you through the process of a central processor from a pile of sand to a powerful integrated circuit chip.
â—High-efficiency, energy-saving design, full display of green concept from inside to outside
The system adopts a high-efficiency rectifier, the peak efficiency of the rectifier is greater than 96.2%, and the power consumption of the rectifier sleep is as low as 4W or less.
â—The rectifier module is small in size and high in power density, improving the utilization of cabinet space
â—Fully digital design, more stable performance
The rectifier adopts DSP+MCU dual digital circuit control mode, the system adopts CAN+RS485 dual bus control, the system power supply reliability is higher, and the transmission rate is faster.
High efficiency rectifier
Changzhou Changyuan Electronic Co., Ltd. , https://www.cydiode.com