In-line passive devices are generally larger than the chip type, and the in-line devices need to be punched when making PCBs. There are also differences between the soldering process and the patch type. It is more troublesome. Relatively speaking, the in-line resistance is relatively Capacitors are mostly for high power circuit applications.
First, in-line resistor package and size
The in-line resistor package is AXIAL-xx form (such as AXIAL-0.3, AXIAL-0.4), behind the xx represents the pad center spacing is xx inches, this point in the Internet did not say a lot of articles, the unit is inch. This size is definitely a little larger than the resistance itself. The common fixed (color ring) resistance is shown in the figure below:
Common packaging: AXIAL-0.3, AXIAL-0.4, AXIAL-0.5, AXIAL-0.6, AXIAL-0.7, AXIAL-0.8, AXIAL-0.9, AXIAL-1.0. The dimensions are as follows (AXIAL-0.3, the default pad diameter is 62mil, in which the hole diameter is 32mil):
In-line resistor power and package size: 1/8W ---- AXIAL-0.31/4W ---- AXIAL-0.4 or AXIAL-0.3 (if you bent closer to the root of the resistor) 1/2W --- -AXIAL-0.5 or AXIAL-0.4 (if you bent closer to the root of the resistor) 1W
---- AXIAL-0.6 or AXIAL-0.5 (if you bent closer to the root of the resistor) 2W ---- AXIAL-0.8 (According to the actual measurement, the size of AXIAL-0.9 is more appropriate) 3W ---- AXIAL -1.05W ----AXIAL-1.2 In addition a lot of heat sensitive, pressure sensitive, photosensitive, moisture sensitive resistors are packaged like a capacitor, or do not look like a resistor at all, as shown below, this type of resistor can refer to the following Non-polar capacitor package design, such as RAD-0.2 and so on.
The tunable resistor package is also very characteristic, such as the uniqueness of the guide, many of the pin width can not use the traditional round, generally can not be carried out in accordance with the above package, need to be individually designed according to the product manual. As shown below:
2. In-line Capacitor Packages and Dimensions 1. There are two types of capacitors that are commonly used in non-polar capacitors: non-polar and non-polar capacitors. Typical non-polar capacitors are as follows:
The electrodeless capacitor package is marked with RAD, with RAD-0.1, RAD-0.2, RAD-0.3, RAD-0.4, and the following figures indicate the center hole spacing of the pad, as shown in the following figure (example RAD-0.3)
2, there is a very large capacitor capacitance refers to the electrolytic capacitor, as shown below:
The following figure shows electrolytic capacitors and solid-state capacitors. These capacitors are standard packages, but their heights are not necessarily standard. They include many custom capacitors and must be selected according to the product design features. The kind of gray-white color in the picture is that many of the so-called solid-state capacitors often boast on the motherboard, and the solid-state capacitors have a slightly better stability. Looking at the Farah capacitors below is also quite interesting.
Electrolytic capacitor package is marked with RB, common package: RB.2/.4, RB.3/.6, RB.4/.8, RB.5/1.0, the front figure in the symbol indicates the center hole spacing of the pad, The following figures indicate the peripheral size (silkscreen), the unit is still inches, as shown below (RB-.3/.6):
Note: The physical map of this article is from Google Image Search. The source of the dimension map is Protel 99 SE. CD268 Type Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor CD268Series Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor
Panasonic Aluminum Electrolytic CapacitorSeries: NHG Type: A
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