According to relevant reports, Apple may release a new iPad in mid-2013. According to reports, Apple's suppliers are making adjustments to the design of the new iPad, but they have also received instructions that they "make preparations for the release of the next-generation tablet in mid-2013 for the new iPad. The number of backlight LED chips will also be reduced. The current number of use is 84."
In addition, the source also said that Apple will not give up the 9.7-inch model, but "it will simplify the model of the components and make this device has a simpler design, such as reducing the number of LED backlights used "The next-generation iPad's LED backlight module will use a two-chip package design.
Next week, Apple will release a new version of the iPad mini and hold a press conference to introduce this product.
In addition, the source also said that Apple will not give up the 9.7-inch model, but "it will simplify the model of the components and make this device has a simpler design, such as reducing the number of LED backlights used "The next-generation iPad's LED backlight module will use a two-chip package design.
Next week, Apple will release a new version of the iPad mini and hold a press conference to introduce this product.
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