Apple launched the AirPods wireless smart headset; Samsung released the Gear Icon X smart Bluetooth sports headset; Sony released the Xperia Ear wireless Bluetooth headset assistant. International consumer electronics giants have deployed on the headset side, launched wireless headsets, and introduced intelligent features. We believe that the headset is expected to usher in a wave of similar upgrades to smart phones. Current headset devices are superimposed with multiple functions, and interactive upgrades have become an important development trend in the industry. Smart ear wears, a new huge market is about to kick off.
The main points
1. Interactive upgrade is a big trend. Smart ear wear device is an important entry. Interactive upgrade is a big trend. In the future, the headset is more than just an audio input (in combination with a microphone) and an output device. It integrates speech recognition, touch, and gesture recognition. The smart ear wear device will become an important entrance for human-computer interaction, and the application value will be greatly improved.
2. Smart ear wear, the best direction to break through the wearable situation
There are also hidden concerns behind the rapid growth of wearable devices. The most important issue is (wearablefaTIgue) "wearable burnout period". As one of the most used and longest-used peripherals, headsets are upgraded and added with minimal impact on consumer habits. Smart ear wear is currently the best choice for addressing wearable fatigue.
3. The market space is huge, the first-tier manufacturers are laid out, and the potential of the startup company is unlimited:
According to WiFore ConsulTIng's forecast, the Hearables market will be the fastest growing wearable market, and its market size is expected to increase to more than $16 billion by 2020. Focusing on the ear wear market has become the consensus of major smart phone manufacturers and professional earphone manufacturers. A large number of startups are also stepping up to launch their own smart ear wear products, while the multifunctional properties of smart headphones are also created for non-headphone manufacturers. There are enough opportunities.
4. Investment opportunities:
The smart ear wear market will subvert the status of professional headset manufacturers in the past. The market's largest share is likely to be divided by Apple, Samsung and domestic Huawei, Xiaomi, LeTV and other manufacturers with sufficient user base, technical reserves or their own ecosystem. . It is recommended to pay attention to the current companies in the smart phone industry chain, with acoustic technology reserves, or in line with the development direction of smart ear wear technology, it is also recommended to pay attention to the traditional headset industry manufacturers.
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