Main chip : STC12C5A60S2 (1T)
Operating frequency: 12.000MHz
#include "REG51.H"
#include "INTRINS.H"
Typedef unsigned char BYTE;
Typedef unsigned short WORD;
Sbit SCL = P3^4; // AT24C04 clock
Sbit SDA = P3^5; //AT24C04 data
BYTE BUF[16]; //Data buffer
0x00, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55, 0x66, 0x77,
0x88, 0x99, 0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC, 0xDD, 0xEE, 0xFF
Void Delay5us();
Void Delay5ms();
Void AT24C04_Start();
Void AT24C04_Stop();
Void AT24C04_SenDACK(bit ack);
Bit AT24C04_RecvACK();
Void AT24C04_SendByte(BYTE dat);
BYTE AT24C04_RecvByte();
Void AT24C04_ReadPage();
Void AT24C04_WritePage();
Void main()
While (1);
Write 1 page (16 bytes) of data to AT24C04
Write 16 test data starting from TESTDATA as the 00~0F address of the device.
Void AT24C04_WritePage()
AT24C04_Start(); //Start signal
AT24C04_SendByte(0xa0); //Send device address + write signal
AT24C04_SendByte (0x00); / / send storage unit address
For (i=0; i"16; i++)
BUF[i] = AT24C04_RecvByte();
If (i == 15)
AT24C04_SendACK(1); //The last data needs to be NAK
AT24C04_SendACK (0); / / response ACK
AT24C04_Stop(); //stop signal
Delay 5 microseconds (STC12C5A60S2@12M)
Different working environments, you need to adjust this function
This delay function is calculated using a 1T instruction cycle, which is different from the traditional 12T MCU.
Void Delay5us()
BYTE n = 4;
While (n--)
Delay 5 milliseconds (STC12C5A60S2@12M)
Different working environments, you need to adjust this function
This delay function is calculated using a 1T instruction cycle, which is different from the traditional 12T MCU.
Void Delay5ms()
WORD n = 2500;
While (n--)
Start signal
Void AT24C04_Start()
SDA = 1; // Pull the data line high
SCL = 1; // pull up the clock line
Delay5us(); //delay
SDA = 0; //generate a falling edge
Delay5us(); //delay
SCL = 0; // pull down the clock line
Stop signal
Void AT24C04_Stop()
SDA = 0; // pull down the data line
SCL = 1; // pull up the clock line
Delay5us(); //delay
SDA = 1; //generate a rising edge
Delay5us(); //delay
Send a reply signal
Entry parameters: ack (0: ACK 1: NAK)
Void AT24C04_SendACK(bit ack)
SDA = ack; //Write response signal
SCL = 1; // pull up the clock line
Delay5us(); //delay
SCL = 0; // pull down the clock line
Delay5us(); //delay
Receiving response signal
Bit AT24C04_RecvACK()
SCL = 1; // pull up the clock line
Delay5us(); //delay
CY = SDA; //Read response signal
SCL = 0; // pull down the clock line
Delay5us(); //delay
Return CY;
Send one byte of data to the IIC bus
Void AT24C04_SendByte(BYTE dat)
For (i=0; i<8; i++) //8-bit counter
Dat <<= 1; //remove the highest bit of data
SDA = CY; //Send data port
SCL = 1; // pull up the clock line
Delay5us(); //delay
SCL = 0; // pull down the clock line
Delay5us(); //delay
Receive one byte of data from the IIC bus
BYTE AT24C04_RecvByte()
BYTE dat = 0;
SDA = 1; //Enable internal pull-up, ready to read data
For (i=0; i<8; i++) //8-bit counter
Dat <<= 1;
SCL = 1; // pull up the clock line
Delay5us(); //delay
Dat |= SDA; //read data
SCL = 0; // pull down the clock line
Delay5us(); //delay
Return dat;
Sensor Kit,Sensors Modules Kits,Sensor Test Kits,Sensor Electronic Kit
Cixi Zhongyi Electronics Factory , https://www.zybreadboard.com