Application of SM6841 in the field of automotive pressure sensors

Automotive sensors are the foundation and key to automotive electronics and intelligence. Most used on car sensors, the fastest growing is pressure transmission

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Sensor. There are many kinds of automotive pressure sensors. For example, the air pressure sensor is mainly used to measure the intake air, the back end of the turbo turbine and the air pressure in the intake manifold. The tire pressure sensor mainly measures the air pressure inside the tire; the cylinder pressure sensor is mainly used.

To measure the pressure inside the cylinder; the differential pressure sensor mainly measures the pressure difference between the exhaust gas particle trap; the brake pressure sensor mainly measures the brake hydraulic pressure or the pneumatic pressure. These pressure sensors can be developed with the SMI pressure sensor as the core design. This article describes the features, parameters, electrical connections, and application range of the SM6841.

1. Introduction of SM6841 pressure sensor

The applicable pressure range for the SM6841 pressure sensor is 103, 207, 414 and 690 kPa. The small package SOIC-8, including leads, measures 5 by 6 square millimeters and provides flexibility for challenging space designs. The instrument provides a typical value of 100mV output for signal conditioning on an analog or digital interface.

The SM6841 sensor is designed for a variety of applications, such as use in automotive tire pressure monitoring systems (TPMS), or in space-constrained negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) applications (medical aspects). The SM6841 sensor will be used in the automotive, medical and industrial markets to provide users with design flexibility and high reliability.

2, SM6841 pressure sensor features

Absolute pressure sensor with 30 psi and 100 psi range

? Wide working storage temperature range (-55 to +150 °C)

? Suitable for automated assembly line assembly

? Small outline package (SOP8)

? Constant voltage supply, suitable for power supply below 10V

? Excellent linearity, only 0.07% FS

3, SM6841 pressure sensor performance parameters

All parameters were measured at room temperature 25 ° C, 5 V DC constant voltage source, unless otherwise specified.

Minimum value Typical value Maximum unit
Excitation voltage source DC 0 5.0 10 V
Excitation current source DC 0 1.0 1.6 mA
Full scale output PSI (kPa) 30(207) & 100(689)



Zero output -35 0 35 mV
Full scale temperature coefficient -twenty four -19 -15.5 %FS/100°C
Zero temperature coefficient -7 -1 +7 %FS/100°C
Temperature coefficient of resistance +24 +27.5 +33 %/100°C
Pressure linearity (nonlinear error) -0.20 -0.07 +0.20 %FS
Bridge arm impedance 4 5 6 KΩ
Input capacitance

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