Manually Design a Convolutional Neural Network (Forward Propagation and Back Propagation)

In the previous article, we explained the basic principles of convolutional neural networks, including the definition of several basic layers, the operation rules, and so on. This article mainly describes how a convolutional neural network performs a complete training, including forward propagation and back propagation, and writes a convolutional neural network by itself. If you do not understand the basic principles, you can first look at the last article: ‍‍‍‍ [deep learning series] CNN principle convolutional neural network explained (a) - the basic principle

Forward propagation of convolutional neural networks

Let's first look at one of the simplest convolutional neural networks:

Manually Design a Convolutional Neural Network (Forward Propagation and Back Propagation)

1. Input layer ----> Convolution layer

In the above example of an example, the input is a 4*4 image. After two convolutional operations of 2*2 convolution kernels, it becomes two 3*3 feature_maps.

Manually Design a Convolutional Neural Network (Forward Propagation and Back Propagation)

Take the convolution kernel filter1 as an example (stride = 1 ):

Manually Design a Convolutional Neural Network (Forward Propagation and Back Propagation)

Calculate the input of the first convolutional neuron o11:

Manually Design a Convolutional Neural Network (Forward Propagation and Back Propagation)

Output of neuron o11: (Relu activation function is used here)

Manually Design a Convolutional Neural Network (Forward Propagation and Back Propagation)

Other neurons calculate in the same way

2. Convolution layer ----> Pooled layer

Manually Design a Convolutional Neural Network (Forward Propagation and Back Propagation)

Calculate the input of the pooling layer m11 (take window 2 * 2), the pooling layer has no activation function

Manually Design a Convolutional Neural Network (Forward Propagation and Back Propagation)

3. Pooled layer ----> Fully connected layer

The output of the pooling layer is flattened to the flatten layer and then to the fully connected layer.

4. Fully connected layer ----> output layer

The full connection layer to the output layer are adjacent connections between normal neurons and neurons. After being calculated by the softmax function and output to output, different types of probability values ​​are obtained. The type with the largest output probability is the category of the picture.

Reverse propagation of convolutional neural networks

The traditional neural network is fully connected. If backpropagation is performed, it is only necessary to continuously seek the partial guide from the next layer, that is, to find the error-sensitive items of each layer by seeking the partial bias. Then the gradient of the weights and offsets is found and the weights can be updated. Convolutional neural networks have two special layers: convolutional layers and pooled layers. The output of the pooling layer does not require an activation function. It is the maximum value of a sliding window, a constant, and its partial derivative is 1. The pooling layer is equivalent to a compression of the upper picture, which is different from the traditional backward propagation mode in the reverse estimation of the error-sensitive items. When back-propagating from the convolutional feature_map to the previous layer, since the forward propagation is a feature_map obtained by a convolution operation through a convolution kernel, the reverse propagation is not the same as the conventional one, and the convolution kernel needs to be updated. parameter. Here we describe how the pooling and convolutional layers do the reverse propagation.

Before the introduction, first review the traditional back propagation method:

Manually Design a Convolutional Neural Network (Forward Propagation and Back Propagation)

Reverse propagation of convolutional layers

Forward propagation is available:

Manually Design a Convolutional Neural Network (Forward Propagation and Back Propagation)

Manually Design a Convolutional Neural Network (Forward Propagation and Back Propagation)

Then in turn sort the input elements

Manually Design a Convolutional Neural Network (Forward Propagation and Back Propagation)

Observe the laws of the above formulas. To summarize, you can get the following expression:

Manually Design a Convolutional Neural Network (Forward Propagation and Back Propagation)

The convolution kernel in the figure undergoes a 180° flip, and after the convolution operation of the zero-addition matrix around this layer of the error-sensitive term matrix deltai,j)deltai,j), we can get ∂E/∂i11, That is, ∂E/∂ii,j=∑m⋅∑nhm,nδi+m,j+n

After the first item is finished, we come to the second item ∂i11/∂neti11

Manually Design a Convolutional Neural Network (Forward Propagation and Back Propagation)

At this point, our error-sensitive matrix is ​​calculated. After the error-sensitive matrix is ​​obtained, the gradient of the weight can be obtained.

Since the expression between the input neto11 and the weights hi,j of the convolutional layer has been written above, it can be directly found:

Manually Design a Convolutional Neural Network (Forward Propagation and Back Propagation)

Inferring the gradient of weights:

Manually Design a Convolutional Neural Network (Forward Propagation and Back Propagation)

The gradient of the bias term:

Manually Design a Convolutional Neural Network (Forward Propagation and Back Propagation)

As can be seen, the bias of the bias term is equal to the sum of all error-sensitive terms in this layer. Once the weights and gradients of the bias terms have been obtained, the weights and gradients can be updated according to the gradient descent method.

Backward propagation of pooled layers

Backward propagation of the pooled layer is better. Look at the graph below. The left side is the output of the upper layer, that is, the feature_map of the output of the convolutional layer, the input to the pooling layer on the right, or the propagation according to the forward direction. , Write out the formula to facilitate calculation:

Manually Design a Convolutional Neural Network (Forward Propagation and Back Propagation)

Assume that the maximum value of the sliding window above the layer is outo11

Manually Design a Convolutional Neural Network (Forward Propagation and Back Propagation)

In this way, the error-sensitive term matrix of the pooled layer is found. Similarly, you can find the gradient of each neuron and update the weights.

Handwriting a convolutional neural network

1. Define a convolutional layer

First we use ConvLayer to implement a convolutional layer that defines the hyperparameters of the convolutional layer.

Class ConvLayer(object):


The meaning of the parameters:

Input_width: input image size - width

Input_height: input image size - length

Channel_number: number of channels, color 3, gray 1

Filter_width: the width of the convolution kernel

Filter_height: the length of the convolution kernel

Filter_number: the number of convolution kernels

Zero_padding: length of zero-padding

Stride: step size

Activator: activation function

Learning_rate: learning rate


Def __init__(self, input_width, input_height,

Channel_number, filter_width,

Filter_height, filter_number,

Zero_padding, stride, activator,


Self.input_width = input_width

Self.input_height = input_height

Self.channel_number = channel_number

Self.filter_width = filter_width

Self.filter_height = filter_height

Self.filter_number = filter_number

Self.zero_padding = zero_padding

Self.stride = stride

Self.output_width =


Self.input_width, filter_width, zero_padding,


Self.output_height =


Self.input_height, filter_height, zero_padding,


Self.output_array = np.zeros((self.filter_number,

Self.output_height, self.output_width))

Self.filters = []

For i in range(filter_number):


Filter_height, self.channel_number))

Self.activator = activator

Self.learning_rate = learning_rate

Where calculate_output_size is used to calculate the size of feature_map output after convolution operation

@staticmethod def calculate_output_size(input_size,

Filter_size, zero_padding, stride):

Return (input_size - filter_size +5

2 * zero_padding) / stride + 1

2. Construct an activation function

The RELU activation function is used here, so we define it in Forward is the forward calculation and backforward is the derivative of the calculation formula:

Class ReluActivator(object):

Def forward(self, weighted_input):

#return weighted_input

Return max(0, weighted_input)

Def backward(self, output):

Return 1 if output > 0 else 0

Other common activation functions we can also put into activators, such as sigmoid function, we can define as follows:

Class SigmoidActivator(object): def forward(self, weighted_input): return 1.0 / (1.0 + np.exp(-weighted_input)) #the partial of sigmoid def backward(self, output): return output * (1 - output)

If we need to automatically use other activation functions, we can define a class in

3. Define a class, save the convolutional layer parameters and gradients

Class Filter(object):

Def __init__(self, width, height, depth):

# Initial weight

Self.weights = np.random.uniform(-1e-4, 1e-4,

(depth, height, width))

# Initial offset

Self.bias = 0

Self.weights_grad = np.zeros(


Self.bias_grad = 0

Def __repr__(self):

Return 'filter weights: %s bias: %s' % (

Repr(self.weights), repr(self.bias))

Def get_weights(self):

Return self.weights

Def get_bias(self):

Return self.bias

Def update(self, learning_rate):

Self.weights -= learning_rate * self.weights_grad

Self.bias -= learning_rate * self.bias_grad

4. Forward propagation of convolution layers

1). Get Convolution Area

# Get Convolution Area

Def get_patch(input_array, i, j, filter_width,

Filter_height, stride):


Get this convolved area from the input array,

Automatically adapts inputs to 2D and 3D


Start_i = i * stride

Start_j = j * stride

If input_array.ndim == 2:

Input_array_conv = input_array[

Start_i : start_i + filter_height,

Start_j : start_j + filter_width]

Print "input_array_conv:",input_array_conv

Return input_array_conv

Elif input_array.ndim == 3:

Input_array_conv = input_array[:,

Start_i : start_i + filter_height,

Start_j : start_j + filter_width]

Print "input_array_conv:",input_array_conv

Return input_array_conv

2). Convolution operation

Def conv(input_array,



Stride, bias):


Calculate the convolution and automatically adapt the input to 2D and 3D


Channel_number = input_array.ndim

Output_width = output_array.shape[1]

Output_height = output_array.shape[0]

Kernel_width = kernel_array.shape[-1]

Kernel_height = kernel_array.shape[-2]

For i in range(output_height):

For j in range(output_width):

Output_array[i][j] = (

Get_patch(input_array, i, j, kernel_width,

Kernel_height, stride) * kernel_array

).sum() + bias

3). Increase zero_padding

# Increase Zero padding

Def padding(input_array, zp):


Zero padding for an array, automatically adapting the input to 2D and 3D


If zp == 0:

Return input_array


If input_array.ndim == 3:

Input_width = input_array.shape[2]

Input_height = input_array.shape[1]

Input_depth = input_array.shape[0]

Padded_array = np.zeros((


Input_height + 2 * zp,

Input_width + 2 * zp))


Zp : zp + input_height,

Zp : zp + input_width] = input_array

Return padded_array

Elif input_array.ndim == 2:

Input_width = input_array.shape[1]

Input_height = input_array.shape[0]

Padded_array = np.zeros((

Input_height + 2 * zp,

Input_width + 2 * zp))

Padded_array[zp : zp + input_height,

Zp : zp + input_width] = input_array

Return padded_array

4). Forward propagation

Def forward(self, input_array):


Calculate the output of the convolutional layer

The output is saved in self.output_array


Self.input_array = input_array

Self.padded_input_array = padding(input_array,


For f in range(self.filter_number):

Filter = self.filters[f]


Filter.get_weights(), self.output_array[f],

Self.stride, filter.get_bias())



The element_wise_op function is to multiply the elements of each group.

# Element wise operation of numpy array, corresponding to each element in the matrix def element_wise_op(array, op) for i in np.nditer(array op_flags=['readwrite']):i[...] = op (i)

5. Reverse propagation of convolutional layers

1). Pass the error to the previous layer

Def bp_sensitivity_map(self, sensitivity_array,



Calculate the sensitivity map passed to the previous layer

Sensitivity_array: sensitivity map of this layer

Activator: Uplevel activation function


# Process the convolution step to extend the original sensitivity map

Expanded_array = self.expand_sensitivity_map(


# full convolution, zero padding for sensitivitiy map

# Although the original input zero padding unit will also get the residual

# But this residual does not need to be passed upwards, so it is not calculated

Expanded_width = expanded_array.shape[2]

Zp = (self.input_width +

Self.filter_width - 1 - expanded_width) / 2

Padded_array = padding(expanded_array, zp)

# Initialize the delta_array, used to save the transfer to the previous layer

# sensitivity map

Self.delta_array = self.create_delta_array()

# For a convolution layer with multiple filters, it is finally passed to the upper layer

# sensitivity map is equivalent to all filter

# sensitivity map sum

For f in range(self.filter_number):

Filter = self.filters[f]

# Turn the filter weight 180 degrees

Flipped_weights = np.array(map(

Lambda i: np.rot90(i, 2),


# Calculate the delta_array corresponding to a filter

Delta_array = self.create_delta_array()

For d in range(delta_array.shape[0]):

Conv(padded_array[f], flipped_weights[d],

Delta_array[d], 1, 0)

Self.delta_array += delta_array

# Element-wise multiplication of the partial derivative of the calculation result with the activation function

Derivative_array = np.array(self.input_array)



Self.delta_array *=derivative_array

2). Save the array of sensitivity map passed to the previous layer

Def create_delta_array(self): return np.zeros((self.channel_number, self.input_height, self.input_width))

3). Compute code gradient

Def bp_gradient(self, sensitivity_array):

# Process the convolution step to extend the original sensitivity map

Expanded_array = self.expand_sensitivity_map(


For f in range(self.filter_number):

# Calculate the gradient of each weight

Filter = self.filters[f]

For d in range(filter.weights.shape[0]):



Filter.weights_grad[d], 1, 0)

# Calculate the gradient of the bias term

Filter.bias_grad = expanded_array[f].sum()

4). Update parameters according to gradient descent method

Def update(self): ''' Drop by gradient, update weight '''for filter in self.filters: filter.update(self.learning_rate)

6. MaxPooling training

1). Define the MaxPooling class

Class MaxPoolingLayer(object):

Def __init__(self, input_width, input_height,

Channel_number, filter_width,

Filter_height, stride):

Self.input_width = input_width

Self.input_height = input_height

Self.channel_number = channel_number

Self.filter_width = filter_width

Self.filter_height = filter_height

Self.stride = stride

Self.output_width = (input_width -

Filter_width) / self.stride + 1

Self.output_height = (input_height -

Filter_height) / self.stride + 1

Self.output_array = np.zeros((self.channel_number,

Self.output_height, self.output_width))

2). Forward propagation calculation

# Forward propagation

Def forward(self, input_array):

For d in range(self.channel_number):

For i in range(self.output_height):

For j in range(self.output_width):

Self.output_array[d,i,j] = (

Get_patch(input_array[d], i, j,




3). Back propagation calculation

# Backward propagation

Def backward(self, input_array, sensitivity_array):

Self.delta_array = np.zeros(input_array.shape)

For d in range(self.channel_number):

For i in range(self.output_height):

For j in range(self.output_width):

Patch_array = get_patch(

Input_array[d], i, j,




k, l = get_max_index(patch_array)


i * self.stride + k,

j * self.stride + l] =


See the full code at: (



Created by huxiaoman 2017.11.22


Import numpy as np

From activators import ReluActivator,IdentityActivator

Class ConvLayer(object):

Def __init__(self, input_width, input_weight,





Self.input_width = input_width

Self.input_height = input_height

Self.channel_number = channel_number

Self.filter_width = filter_width

Self.filter_height = filter_height

Self.filter_number = filter_number

Self.zero_padding = zero_padding

Self.stride = stride # Here you can add stride_x, stride_y

Self.output_width = ConvLayer.calculate_output_size(



Self.output_height = ConvLayer.calculate_output_size(

Self.input_height, filter_height, zero_padding,


Self.output_array = np.zeros((self.filter_number,


Self.filters = []

For i in range(filter_number):



Self.activator = activator

Self.learning_rate = learning_rate

Def forward(self,input_array):


Calculate the output of the convolutional layer

The output is saved in self.output_array


Self.input_array = input_array

Self.padded_input_array = padding(input_array,


For i in range(self.filter_number):

Filter = self.filters[f]


Filter.get_weights(), self.output_array[f],

Self.stride, filter.get_bias())



Def get_batch(input_array, i, j, filter_width, filter_height, and stride):


Get this convolved area from the input array,

Automatically adapts inputs to 2D and 3D


Start_i = i * stride

Start_j = j * stride

If input_array.ndim == 2:

Return input_array[

Start_i : start_i + filter_height,

Start_j : start_j + filter_width]

Elif input_array.ndim == 3:

Return input_array[

Start_i : start_i + filter_height,

Start_j : start_j + filter_width]

# Get the index of the maximum value of a 2D area

Def get_max_index(array):

Max_i = 0

Max_j = 0

Max_value = array[0,0]

For i in range(array.shape[0]):

For j in range(array.shape[1]):

If array[i,j] > max_value:

Max_value = array[i,j]

Max_i, max_j = i, j

Return max_i, max_j

Def conv(input_array,kernal_array,



Calculate the convolution, automatically adapt the input 2D, 3D situation


Channel_number = input_array.ndim

Output_width = output_array.shape[1]

Output_height = output_array.shape[0]

Kernel_width = kernel_array.shape[-1]

Kernel_height = kernel_array.shape[-2]

For i in range(output_height):

For j in range(output_width):

Output_array[i][j] = (

Get_patch(input_array, i, j, kernel_width,

Kernel_height,stride) * kernel_array).sum() +bias

Def element_wise_op(array, op):

For i in np.nditer(array,

Op_flags = ['readwrite']):

i[...] = op(i)

Class ReluActivators(object):

Def forward(self, weighted_input):

# Relu formula = max(0,input)

Return max(0, weighted_input)

Def backward(self,output):

Return 1 if output > 0 else 0

Class SigmoidActivator(object):

Def forward(self,weighted_input):

Return 1 / (1 + math.exp(-weighted_input))

Def backward(self,output):

Return output * (1 - output)

Finally, we use the previous 4 * 4 image data to test the output of forward propagation and back propagation through a convolutional neural network:

Def init_test():

a = np.array(
















b = np.array(







Cl = ConvLayer(5,5,3,3,3,2,1,2,IdentityActivator(),0.001)

Cl.filters[0].weights = np.array(









[1,-1,-1]]], dtype=np.float64)


Cl.filters[1].weights = np.array(









[-1,0,0]]], dtype=np.float64)

Return a, b, cl

Run it:

Def test():

a, b, cl = init_test()


Print "Forward propagation results:", cl.output_array

Cl.backward(a, b, IdentityActivator())


Print "Updated filter1:", cl.filters[0]

Print "Updated filter2:", cl.filters[1]

If __name__ == "__main__":


operation result:

Forward dissemination results: [[[ 6. 7. 5.]

[ 3. -1. -1.]

[ 2. -1. 4.]]

[[ 2. -5. -8.]

[ 1. -4. -4.]

[ 0. -5. -5.]]]

Filter1: filter weights: updated after backpropagation

Array([[[-1.008, 0.99 , -0.009]],

[-0.005, 0.994, -0.006],

[-0.006, 0.995, 0.996]],

[[-1.004, -1.001, -0.004],

[-0.01, -0.009, -0.012],

[-0.002, -1.002, -0.002]],

[[-0.002, -0.002, -1.003],

[-0.005, 0.992, -0.005],

[ 0.993, -1.008, -1.007]]])



The updated filter2: filter weights:

Array([[[ 9.98000000e-01, 9.98000000e-01, -1.00100000e+00 ],

[ -1.00400000e+00, -1.00700000e+00, 9.97000000e-01],

[-4.00000000e-03, -1.00400000e+00, 9.98000000e-01]],

[[ 0.00000000e+00, 9.99000000e-01, 0.00000000e+00],

[ -1.00900000e+00, -5.00000000e-03, -1.00400000e+00],

[ -1.00400000e+00, 1.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00]],

[[ -1.00400000e+00, -6.00000000e-03, -5.00000000e-03],

[ -1.00200000e+00, -5.00000000e-03, 9.98000000e-01],

[ -1.00200000e+00, -1.00000000e-03, 0.00000000e+00]]])



PaddlePaddle convolutional neural network source code analysis

Convolution layer

In the last article, we briefly introduced the function of paddlepaddle to implement a convolutional neural network. In handwritten digit recognition, when we design the network structure of CNN, we call a function simple_img_conv_pool (the link in the previous article has expired because the framework--->fluid has been updated too fast ==). The usage is as follows:

Conv_pool_1 = paddle.networks.simple_img_conv_pool(








This function encapsulates both the convolutional layer and the pooling layer and can be done using only one function call. It is very convenient. If you only need to use the convolutional layer alone, you can call this function img_conv_layer, use as follows:

Conv = img_conv_layer(input=data, filter_size=1, filter_size_y=1, num_channels=8, num_filters=16, stride=1, bias_attr=False, act=ReluActivation())

Let's take a look at what parameters this function has in particular (the comments specify the meaning of the parameters and how to use them)

Def img_conv_layer(input,





















Convolution layer suitable for images. Paddle can support both square and rectangular image size input

Can also be applied to image deconvolution (Convolutional Transpose, ie deconv).

It also supports square and rectangular input.

Num_channel: Number of channels for inputting pictures. Can be 1 or 3, or the number of channels on the previous layer (number of convolution kernels * number of groups)

Each group handles some channels of the picture. For example, if an input has a num_channel of 256, set 4 groups.

32 convolution kernels, then 32*4 = 128 convolution kernels are created to process the input image. The channel will be divided into four, 32 convolutions will be first

Handle 64 (256/4 = 64) channels. The remaining convolutional core group will handle the remaining channels.

Name: The name of the layer. Optional, custom.


Input: the input of this layer


Filter_size: The x dimension of the convolution kernel, which can be understood as width.

If it is a square, you can directly enter a ancestor group to represent the size of the picture

Type:int/ tuple/ list

Filter_size_y: The y dimension of the convolution kernel, which can be interpreted as height.

PaddlePaddle supports rectangular image size, so the size of the convolution kernel is (filter_size, filter_size_y)

Type:int/ None

Act: The activation function type. The default is Relu


Groups: the number of groups in the convolution kernel


Stride: The horizontal slide step. Or the world inputs a ancestor, which represents the same horizontal sliding step.

Type:int/ tuple/ list

Stride_y: vertical slide step.


Padding: The zero-filled horizontal dimension. It is also possible to enter a ancestor directly. The zero-filling dimensions are the same in the horizontal and vertical directions.

Type:int/ tuple/ list

Padding_y: dimension of zero padding in the vertical direction


Dilation: The horizontal dimension of the expansion. You can also enter a ancestor to indicate that the horizontal and initial values ​​are the same as the extended dimensions

:type:int/ tuple/ list

Dilation_y: Extended dimension in the vertical direction


Bias_attr: offset property

False: do not define bias True: bias is initialized to 0

Type: ParameterAttribute/ None/ bool/ Any

Num_channel: Input channel of the picture channel. If set to None, the number of channels automatically generated as the upper output

Type: int

Param_attr: Convolution parameter attribute. Set to None for default properties


Shared_bias: Sets whether offsets are shared in the convolution kernel


Layer_attr: Extra Attribute of Layer


Param trans: if convTransLayer is set to True, if convlayer is set to conv


Layer_type: explicit layer_type, default is None.

If trans = True, it must be exconvt or cudnn_convt, otherwise it is either exconv ​​or cudnn_conv

Ps: If it is the default, paddle will automatically select ExpandConvLayer for cpu and CudnnConvLayer for GPU.

Of course, we can also choose which type


Return:LayerOutput object



Def img_conv_layer(input,




















If num_channels is None:

Assert input.num_filters is not None

Num_channels = input.num_filters

If filter_size_y is None:

If isinstance(filter_size, collections.Sequence):

Assert len(filter_size) == 2

Filter_size, filter_size_y = filter_size


Filter_size_y = filter_size

If stride_y is None:

If isinstance(stride, collections.Sequence):

Assert len(stride) == 2

Stride, stride_y = stride


Stride_y = stride

If padding_y is None:

If isinstance(padding, collections.Sequence):

Assert len(padding) == 2

Padding, padding_y = padding


Padding_y = padding

If dilation_y is None:

If isinstance(dilation, collections.Sequence):

Assert len(dilation) == 2

Dilation, dilation_y = dilation


Dilation_y = dilation

If param_attr.attr.get('initial_smart'):

# special initial for conv layers.

Init_w = (2.0 / (filter_size**2 * num_channels))**0.5

Param_attr.attr["initial_mean"] = 0.0

Param_attr.attr["initial_std"] = init_w

Param_attr.attr["initial_strategy"] = 0

Param_attr.attr["initial_smart"] = False

If layer_type:

If dilation > 1 or dilation_y > 1:

Assert layer_type in [

"cudnn_conv", "cudnn_convt", "exconv", "exconvt"


If trans:

Assert layer_type in ["exconvt", "cudnn_convt"]


Assert layer_type in ["exconv", "cudnn_conv"]

Lt = layer_type


Lt = LayerType.CONVTRANS_LAYER if trans else LayerType.CONV_LAYER

l = Layer(




















Return LayerOutput(







After we understand the meaning of these parameters, we can see that paddlepaddle has several advantages compared to the CNN that we previously wrote:

Supports rectangular and square image sizes

Support sliding step stride, zero zero padding, extended dilation to set different values ​​in horizontal and vertical directions

Supports bias item convolution kernels to share

Automatically adapt cpu and gpu convolutional networks

In our own CNN, only the square image length is supported. If it is a rectangle, it will give an error. Sliding steps, zero-filled dimensions, etc. also only support the same horizontal and vertical dimensions. After understanding the parameters of the convolutional layer, we look at how the underlying source code is implemented: Interested students can follow this link to see how the underlying is written in C++ for ConvLayer.

The same applies to the pooling layer, which can be analyzed according to the previous ideas. Interested parties can always see the implementation of the bottom layer and have the opportunity to analyze it in detail. (occupy the pit to make up the source of tensorflow tomorrow)

to sum up

This article mainly explains some techniques of back propagation in convolutional neural networks, including the difference between the reverse propagation of convolutional layers and pooled layers and the traditional back propagation, and implements a complete CNN, which can be modified by everyone. Some code, such as how to adjust when the horizontal sliding length is different from the vertical sliding length, etc. Finally, we studied the realization process of the convolution layer in CND in paddlepaddle, compared CNN written by ourselves and summarized four advantages. The bottom is C + + implementation, those interested can go further in-depth study. Write rough, if you have questions please leave a message:)

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